Health Benefits of Paw Paw Seeds----On Article) - FOW 24 NEWS

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Health Benefits of Paw Paw Seeds----On Article)

 Paw Paw seeds are usually tossed in the bin when the fruit is eaten, but do you know that these seeds contain lots of nutrients and substances that are beneficial for human health?
From easing terrible cases of food poisoning like that of my classmate to lowering the risk of developing heart diseases and diabetes, Paw Paw seeds have some surprising and unbelievable health benefits that you should know about.
See some more health benefits below.
  • They help cure Liver diseases
Paw Paw Seeds contain vital nutrients that help cure cirrhosis of the liver. Research shows that this is possible by grinding a few Paw Paw seeds and taking them with your food or drink, every day for 30 days.  In addition, small amount of pawpaw seeds taken regularly is said to help with liver detoxification.
  • Cure of Cancer
Paw Paw seeds contain isothiocyanate agents which stop the growth of cancer cells and tumours. They are perfect for colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancer.
  • They are natural contraceptives
Do you know that Paw Paw seeds are wonderful  natural contraceptives for both men and women? They have no side-effects compared to over-the-counter contraceptives that have numerous adverse effects on prolonged use. These seeds are used as traditional forms of birth control  in places like India and China.
  • Kidney Health
According to a research conducted at the University of Karachi, Paw Paw seeds can be used to improve kidney health and also prevent renal failure. They are also effective in treating kidney poisoning related diseases.
  • They are anti-inflammatory
Paw Paw seeds have anti-inflammatory agents, making them great for arthritis, joint disease, swelling, pain, and redness.
  • Substitute for pepper
Paw Paw Seeds are peppery in flavor with a little bit of a bitterness. They are sometimes used in place of pepper.
  • They possess anti-bacterial properties
Papaya Seeds are highly effective in killing harmful bacteria such as E. coli, Staph, and Salmonella. They also help fight viral infections and cure Dengue, Typhoid, and numerous other diseases. Taking the seeds with Milk is an excellent cure for Typhoid fever.
In conclusion, Paw Paw seeds can be eaten either raw, grounded or crushed. They are sometimes added to salad dressings for that extra tangy flavour.
Warning:  Paw Paw seeds are NOT good for pregnant women as a result of their birth control functions. Nursing mothers are also advised to stay away from them. They may also be too powerful for young children, so consult a doctor before giving a child.
Have a Paw Paw today, enjoy its seeds and stay healthy!
Health Benefits of Paw Paw Seeds----On Article) Reviewed by FOW 24 News on September 28, 2017 Rating: 5  Paw Paw seeds are usually tossed in the bin when the fruit is eaten, but do you know that these seeds contain lots of nutrients and sub...

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